WJEC Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice and Theory

Qualification codes
(C00/1249/6 - WJEC Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice and Theory (last awarded in 2024))
(C00/4824/4 - WJEC Level 3 Children's Care, Play, Learning, and Development: Practice and Theory (first awarded in 2025))

This qualification is intended for learners aged 16 and above who want to enter employment or further education. It provides a basis for learners who want to progress to higher education or to the workplace.
This qualification combines theoretical knowledge in Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development with the practical skills needed to work within the sector.

Learners taking this qualification will have completed the units for Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice and additional knowledge-based units covering the principles and theories that influence children's care, play, learning, and development in Wales. The content focuses on principles and theories that influence children's health, well-being and development and how the childcare and child health sector can respond to all the needs of individuals.

The practical units in this qualification are identical to those required for Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice. The Practice qualification is practice-based and enables learners to develop and demonstrate their knowledge, understanding, behaviours, skills and practice within a children’s care, play, learning and development setting. It provides the opportunity to enrich knowledge and skills using both mandatory content and optional units supporting learners to develop knowledge and skills in their work context.

Achievement of either Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice or Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice & Theory confers occupational competence.

Please note that it is a requirement of Social Care Wales that an individual working within the Children’s Care Play Learning and Development sector will need both:

  • the Level 2 Children’s Care Play Learning and Development: Core qualification and
  • the Level 3 Children’s Care Play Learning and Development: Practice & Theory qualification

to work within specific job roles. Further details will be available on the Social Care Wales.


WJEC Level 3 Children's Care, Play, Learning, and Development: Practice and Theory (last awarded in 2024):

Pass / Merit / Distinction / Distinction*

WJEC Level 3 Children's Care, Play, Learning, and Development: Practice and Theory (first awarded in 2025):



70% internal assessment
30% external assessment

The internal assessments are assessed through a range of externally set and internally marked practice‐based tasks, and a portfolio of evidence.

The external assessment is split into two assessments.

External examination: this will assess all taught content from the knowledge-based unit and is a written or on-line examination.
Extended research task: which focuses on independent research and application of taught content from the knowledge-based unit.

Further information
  • Intended to be taken alongside A level in Health and Social Care, and Childcare or other A levels; part of full-time programme of learning in school sixth form/FE for 16-19 year-olds.
  • It should be noted that not all students will be able choose their optional units and these may be prescribed by the school or college, therefore HEPs should be cautious if requiring achievement in optional modules as part of their entry requirements, offer making and decision-making strategies.
  • Applicants holding this qualification will have had experience of external and synoptic assessment.
  • Learners not yet in employment must complete a minimum of 700 hours work placement; this must be in a Level 3 role working with children under the age of 8 years. Hours undertaken whilst in a Level 2 role cannot contribute to total requirement.

View the qualification specifications:
Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice and Theory (last awarded in 2024)

Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Practice and Theory (first awarded in 2025)

Visit the healthandcarelearning.wales website to find out more about the suite of Health and Social Care and Childcare qualifications for Wales.