The Department for Education (DfE) describe Tech level qualifications as follows:
Tech levels are rigorous advanced (level 3) technical qualifications on a par with A Levels and recognised by employers. They are for students aged 16 plus who want to specialise in a specific industry or prepare for a particular job. They cover jobs and careers where employers recruit people at this level or where a level 3 qualification is needed before students can progress to a related higher education course. Tech levels give students an opportunity to develop specialist knowledge and skills to help them get an apprenticeship or job, for example in engineering, IT, accounting or professional cookery, or progress to a higher level qualification. In some cases, a tech level qualification is a ‘licence to practise’ or can exempt someone holding the qualification from a professional exam. Tech levels are recognised by trade or professional bodies or at least five employers. Alternatively, the qualification may be accepted by a national licensed professional registration scheme.
The overall qualifications are grades Pass/Fail. Individual units are graded either Fail/Pass/Merit/Distinction, or Pass/Fail. For more detailed grading information, you should review the specification of the individual qualification you are interested in on the City & Guilds website.
Centres wising to offer these qualifications need centre and qualification approval from City & Guilds.
Assessment of this qualification is by a combination of:
- externally set assignments which are internally marked by the centre and externally quality assured by City & Guilds
- internally assessed, externally verified portfolio of evidence
- externally set, externally marked exam
For more detailed assessment information and for specifc unit information, you should review the specification of the individual qualification you are interested in on the City & Guilds website.