Abingdon School, Abingdon, OX14 1DE Badminton School, Bristol, BS9 3BA Bristol Grammar School, BS8 1SR Clevedon School, North Somerset, BS21 6AH d’Overbroeck’s School, Oxford, OX2 7PL Kingswood School, Bath, BA1 5RG Marlborough College, Marlborough, SN8 1PA Marling School, Gloucestershire, GL5 4HE Queen Anne’s School, Caversham, RG4 6DX Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital, Bristol, BS8 1JX Red Maids High School, Bristol, BS9 3AW |
Ribston Hall, Gloucester, GL1 5LE
The AFA programme is taught in schools and colleges to provide a focused and meaningful grounding for students in Creative Writing as they prepare for the next stage of their education, including undergraduate study at university. The programme is designed:
The AFA programme is designed to equip students with the relevant knowledge and skills for progression to the study of Creative Writing at undergraduate level. |
The AFA is a linear programme of study, and it will be graded A*-E to align with the linear GCE qualifications offered nationally. First teaching began in September 2017 and the first award of the AFA was in 2019.
The Head of Creative Writing at Bristol Grammar School, and the two Principal Examiners comprise the Writers’ Examination Board, the body awarding the qualification.
The specification design and development is overseen by the Head of Creative Writing at Bristol Grammar School, and the course is reviewed annually by the Writers’ Examination Board. You can find the specification, specimen examination materials, exemplar scripts, and other information about the programme here:
Students’ AFA work for the Coursework Portfolio (WRITE-1) is internally marked and moderated by participating centres, and then moderated by the Principal Moderator for WRITE-1. Students’ work for each of the two examined units (WRITE-2 and WRITE-3) is marked by another Principal Examiner. Both the Principal Moderator and the Principal Examiner have experience as examiners for the legacy AQA AS/A2 in Creative Writing.
The Writers’ Examination Board will meet annually to finalise the award of the AFA, following reports from the Principal Moderator and the two Examiners.
Final results and grade boundaries are considered by the Writers’ Examination Board. The role of the Board is:
- Bristol Grammar School
The AFA is a single award, graded A*-E. The AFA is currently available in only one subject area: Creative Writing.
Any student at a participating centre may take the AFA in Creative Writing alongside their other qualifications.
The course is linear and is made up of 3 components:
Coursework is completed during the course of the programme of study, typically two years. The final examinations are taken during an examination season at the end of the programme of study. |
Creative writing.
The full range of AFA grades (A*-E) is intended to mirror the equivalent range among GCE Level qualifications. |
The AFA is graded A*, A, B, C, D, E. Attainment insufficient to lead to the award of a certificate is reported as Unclassified (U), with final oversight by the Writers’ Examination Board.
Procedures are in place to handle enquiries about results (EARs) and appeals against EAR outcomes.
A certificate is awarded to all students who successfully complete all the components of the AFA programme. |
This will be reviewed annually. |
No re-sits of units are permitted. In exceptional circumstances, component results for the Coursework Portfolio can be carried forward from one examination series to another. |
The AFA programme is closely based on the AS/A2 course in Creative Writing designed by AQA, and is aligned in size to GCE Level qualifications in similar subjects, which is 360 guided learning hours over the two-year duration of the course. However, these figures are for guidance only, and the GLH available may vary according to local curricular practice among participating centres and the learners’ prior experience of writing. In Creative Writing the amount of independent reading and writing undertaken by learners may well make a significant difference to levels of achievement. It may also enable the programme to run successfully even in centres where there are fewer than 360 guided learning hours available.
Any student at a participating centre may take the AFA in Creative Writing alongside their other qualifications.
The awarding of Grades A*-E will be comparable to the awarding of those grades in similar GCE Level qualifications, including the AS/A2 in Creative Writing formerly awarded by AQA.
The AFA is designed to equip students with the ability
It also encourages and develops generic academic skills such as:
First examinations of the AFA took place in April and May 2019. |
Results are published annually to the WEB website in the latter part of August.
The AFA became available for first teaching from September 2017, and is current in 12 centres. |
Grade descriptions and total entries will be published by The Writers’ Examination Board on their website at https://writersexaminationboard.com/updates/
The awarding of Grades A*-E will be comparable to the awarding of those grades in similar GCE Level qualifications.
The AFA in Creative Writing has been constructed to facilitate progression in writing from the English curriculums provided at KS4 and towards undergraduate level Creative Writing programmes at university. It emphasises exploration, discipline, specialisation, creativity and craft. The progression to the requirements of undergraduate level programmes in Creative Writing and English is natural, with the Writers’ Examination Board being in regular liaison with Higher Education centres specialising in Creative Writing, and national bodies concerned with English teaching, such as NATE and NAWE. |
Please contact us for further details: |